Carolyn “CiCi” Felton
Family Program Coordinator

I am a proud alumni of Generation Hope and recently graduated from Morgan State University with a bachelor’s in social work. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to give back to the community that fostered my success as a student parent. I have such a strong passion for dismantling the systems that have been put in place to act as barriers for teen parent success. My belief is that I can leave a lasting impact on Scholars because I understand the struggle of maintaining a healthy work/parenting/life balance. A fun fact about me is I have traveled internationally performing spoken word poetry and leading workshops to youth in underserved communities. I genuinely believe in the mission of Generation Hope and I am so proud to be an advocate for student parents.


"The PAST is where you learned the lesson. The FUTURE is where you apply the lesson. Don’t give up in the MIDDLE."
- Dale Carnegie

Why I chose this quote:

I chose this quote because PERSEVERANCE IS KEY. As a student parent I endured so many tribulations. I’d dealt with so much judgement and negativity from others that I started to actually believe I would never be successful. Ironically, the naysayers are where I developed majority of my strength. I realized it was my experiences that molded me into the amazing woman I am today. If I’d given up before I won the battle, I would have missed out on so many opportunities.